hello all,
something that i discovered while trying to get the alarm on the 16v to work, which is very hard to see unless you really try hard.

take the fob apart, and focus on the led type bulb on the very tip.

now look closely at the connection between this component and the circuit board itself.

if, like our one, the connection has been broken, this could be the source of your alarm woes!

now, im not going to lie, repairing this is VERY difficult and fiddly, but possible.

i used some thin wire, and soldered the wire to the connector, and then to the led, which is now a bit further out of the fob, but at least it works.

be warned though, if you attempt this, be prepared for lots of swearing, and wanting to smash it into little pieces when you :-

a. burn your fingers on the soldering iron

b. break one connection when you are trying to solder the other.

or c, when you think you have done it, and then break it when you put the fob back together!!!