I just attempted this this afternoon, its not too difficult, IF you read the instructions properly (which i didnt).

Wire Cutters/Strippers
Thesaurus, Youll quickly run out of Expletives otherwise
If a smoker at least a full pack of 20

Step 1, Read Instructions, then re-read the instructions.

Step 2, Begin swearing (make a note of this, we'll re-visit it in great detail later)

Step 3, Invert yourself and perch procariously upside down in footwell, Gain Access to steering column and remove the Ign Plugs

Step 4, Find you cant remove them, Swear Louder.

Step 5, Follow the wires back to the fuse box and have a moment of clarity thinking you can use them instead

Step 6, Find out you cant

Step 7, In a fit of rage flail about hitting your head on a greasy metal bit underneath the steering column.

Step 8, eventually connect all the wires, function the switch, listen to the relay mocking you as it switches but the engine doesnt turn over

Step 9, Feeling cheated go inside smoking and swearing, pick up a cup of coffee, sit down, ask Matt for help then, in a second moment of clarity, read the instructions properly and be really annoyed at yourself for not doing so the first time.

Rant Over, Phill \:D