i got my decat fitted a few weeks ago at blueflame, and recently it seemed to be blowing towards the front end of my car! took it to blueflame today for them to investigate, and the flexi on my downpipe is blowing quite a bit!

Chris at blueflame said I'm probably losing quite a bit of power!

So my car is booked in for next Tuesday, at a cost of £170 to get my downpipe to match the rest of my blueflame 2.5" exhaust system (including decat)!

what is the original diameter for the standard 16vt downpipe? looked about 2" when i was under it on the ramps at blueflame!

and should i be expecting a nice bit of extra power?? i got 230 bhp just a week ago at TDI North RR, and my downpipe was already blowing!

