Thanks for the comments in amongst the arguing guys - stop hijacking my thread - however, to add to the argument,
The 16VT does seem more brutal - The 20vt (at least the one I have!) has little to no lag when the gearing is correct - just straight up power. The 16vt does nothing for 5 seconds and everything in the last 2 it seems! It feels quicker (yes I know it's not - that's obvious from the fact that the 20VT is faster!), it feels more brutal - and comes with a LOT more engine noise than the 20.
I do still prefer the acceleration on the 16, the brutal raw power. The 20 is obviously superior in the power department, but it IS more subtle - let's not forget I only drove the two variants last thursday, within hours of each other, and the 16 was very very sick - it still felt more brutal and raw!
However I'm loving the lack of lag with the 20VT, and may one day change my opinion, after all, I lived with the 16VT for nearly a year, I havn't had the 20VT for a week yet!
So - guys - please, cease the arguing, no one can win the argument over who's opinion is best suited.
My opinion is my own opinion, it just happens I share it with DidCoop and not the 20VT fans! Until the 20VT changes my opinion, it still stands that I, at the moment, prefer the power delivery of the 16VT.
Now - can we have more gushing remarks at what a lovely Coupe I have - and what a fantastic job Joe has done on getting it to this state! Well done Joe