Fiat Coupe Club UK

Leave EU Video

Posted By: MarioCirillo

Leave EU Video - 05/05/2016 15:57

Finally ive stumbled across some propaganda to leave the EU rather than the daily scare mongering we see on the TV to stay in. Im still on the fence but I really do feel im not receiving enough information to make a balanced and informed decision.

Thoughts? Change your view? Still on the fence?
Posted By: andyps

Re: Leave EU Video - 05/05/2016 17:49

I saw that video via Facebook yesterday, it makes a lot of sense to me, although as you are, I'm still on the fence. I dislike the lack of democracy the EU leaves us with but can appreciate the benefits which it brings despite that.
Posted By: PeteP

Re: Leave EU Video - 05/05/2016 18:25

Originally Posted By: andyps
I dislike the lack of democracy the EU leaves us with but can appreciate the benefits which it brings despite that.

Um, you do vote in the European elections which choose the MEP to represent you in the European Parliament don't you?

That's more than we get here in the UK in the House of Lords, quite apart from ending up with governments the majority of the electorate have not chosen.
Posted By: andyps

Re: Leave EU Video - 05/05/2016 23:28

We do vote for the MEPs, yes, but there are no votes for the EU commissioners who make almost all of the policies - certainly having much more power than the House of Lords. Look at Tony Benn's views for input from an unexpected source -
Posted By: sugerbear

Re: Leave EU Video - 06/05/2016 15:04

Originally Posted By: andyps
We do vote for the MEPs, yes, but there are no votes for the EU commissioners who make almost all of the policies - certainly having much more power than the House of Lords. Look at Tony Benn's views for input from an unexpected source -

It's quite sad to admit but I have no idea how the EU commission works. However it is accountable to it's members. I am sure the idea of an EU commission making up stuff over the heads of the members is something that UKIP likes to portray but in reality it just isn't the case.

Maybe the lack of education of what the EU does is one of the reasons that a significant number of people in the UK want to leave it.

I am still down a leave vote. The video is nice but it has a very UKIP feel about it.
Posted By: OnlyItalian

Re: Leave EU Video - 09/05/2016 13:33

I think we should leave the EU for one simple reason. We are a nation that is successful when we innovate. Jet engines and F1 engineering spring to mind. The EU seeks uniformity and uniformity stifles innovation.

However, now is not the time to leave. We need to address our debt problem first. The phrase banded around all the time is that no one knows what the impact of staying in or leaving the EU will be.

There is one certainty though and that is that leaving the EU will increase uncertainty regarding the prosperity of our economy in the coming years. That increased uncertainty is guaranteed to increase the cost of servicing our debt as bond yields will rise.

We pay historically low rates of interest on our debt currently. Just a 2-3% rise in bond yields could push us over the edge to a point we are no longer able to service our debts. This would happen very quickly and would have a catastrophic impact on all our lives. It's just too big a risk.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Leave EU Video - 09/05/2016 22:27

That's the best argument i have heard to support staying in. Only trouble is Osborne won't ever say it, the ballooning debt burden doesn't tally with the austerity message. Maybe if the polls look really bad he'll blurt it all out on the eve of the referendum.
Posted By: H_R

Re: Leave EU Video - 09/05/2016 22:56

I think the Prime Ministers speech today was bordering desperation!
I really do think it did not help the Stay in campaign!
Posted By: Roadking

Re: Leave EU Video - 10/05/2016 07:40

Originally Posted By: H_R
I think the Prime Ministers speech today was bordering desperation!
I really do think it did not help the Stay in campaign!

If European peace is so fragile that it depends on UK membership, you'd have thought they'd have been more receptive to Dave's suggestions to change rolleyes. Unless of course, they know if we leave it'll make no difference...
Posted By: Jim_Clennell

Re: Leave EU Video - 10/05/2016 07:51

Cameron has really failed to deliver any kind of convincing argument in favour of remaining. I think it may come to define his premiership.
Posted By: Roadking

Re: Leave EU Video - 10/05/2016 13:29

Originally Posted By: Jim_Clennell
Cameron has really failed to deliver any kind of convincing argument in favour of remaining. I think it may come to define his premiership.

Unless he is the real leader of Brexit wink
Posted By: Wishy

Re: Leave EU Video - 10/05/2016 21:08

That's how it's appeared to me with his recent patronising attempt at scaremongering. As explained in the other thread, I'm for staying in overall but it looks like he's trying to convince me otherwise.
Posted By: Jim_Clennell

Re: Leave EU Video - 12/05/2016 17:17

Originally Posted By: OnlyItalian

There is one certainty though and that is that leaving the EU will increase uncertainty regarding the prosperity of our economy in the coming years. That increased uncertainty is guaranteed to increase the cost of servicing our debt as bond yields will rise.

We pay historically low rates of interest on our debt currently. Just a 2-3% rise in bond yields could push us over the edge to a point we are no longer able to service our debts. This would happen very quickly and would have a catastrophic impact on all our lives. It's just too big a risk.

It seems as though the Governor of the Bank of England agrees...
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