Fiat Coupe Club UK

Operation career change...

Posted By: coupedummy

Operation career change... - 12/08/2015 07:58

Ok, folks.
Times nearly here so starting a new thread on what hopefully will be start of operation career change.
I have always strived to keep training but have now hit the wall at work and particularly don't enjoy what I do. I earnt fairly well last year despite being out of work for nearly 8 weeks.
My job is fine, fairly easy and pays well but has no satisfaction and not much common sense above me in management. I work far closer with the client and there requirement and things seem to work very well like that.
I am a qualified gas safe commercial and domestic heating engineer, electrical installation qualified and f-gas qualified also. I have fell into positions where I can keep training in industries I don't really enjoy. I have always been in the service industry and field based.

Now it's time to pick something I do enjoy , I am currently looking at courses within the I.T industry. I know it's done to death but really enjoy many aspects, a slightly obsessed hobbies so to speak.Just gotta find where I fit.
This is due to my brother, a systems builder and support getting into the industry when he was 16 with Evesham micros or vale as some knew. I often work at his company, system building and solutions when required.
What is your experience of the industry, I want to thrive , happy to train while working and most importantly enter a career I enjoy and can get my teeth into.

Let me know your thoughts? I like to here people careers and experiences as it does help motivate and helps which path I may take.

Posted By: Begbie

Re: Operation career change... - 12/08/2015 09:27


If you want to get into IT, you're probably going to have to start on first line / helpdesk / service desk and do all the boring fixes and listen to users moaning, get some experience then progress you're way up. For me, when I was younger, I wanted to make games, so did a BTEC, HND and MSc in computer studies, but trying to get into IT was a bit troublesome back in 2001/2 as everyone wanted experience, but I couldn't get it, so I worked in Thailand for 6 months pretending to learn IT (whilst in reality I spammed the forum a lot laugh ).

I then got my first helpdesk role. That bored me to tears after nearly 2 years, so managed to luck into a a system admin (AD, backup's, GPO, etc)role looking after the whole company with only a single manager to report to. This bored me again after 2 years and got a role for a managed service company, where I stayed for 5 weeks before I got a job less than 2 miles from home, where I would be dealing with SQL even though I had no experience, but my personality was a better team fit. Here, I learnt some SQL / DBA stuff (along with Sharepoint and some custom S/W) but was bored again 3 years, but only got a job slightly further away from home another 2 years afterwards that initial 3 and I'm now where I am 2.5 years later.

I'm now a SQL consultant for another managed service company (and discovered my SQL knowledge gained from my previous place wasn't all that good), where I occasionally get pimped out to tell people how to set SQL up. Since I've been here I've also been thrown into SCCM. I've also since being here been offered a Technical Account Manager role, but decided against it, as I'm not one for documentation laugh

So basically, you're going to have to work up the ladder. If you can get into a managed service company you get to play with a lot more technologies than working for just a normal organisation where you'll learn what you can and then start doing the job blindfolded.
Posted By: Countrycruising

Re: Operation career change... - 12/08/2015 09:31

What about jumping ship to Neil's company?
Posted By: coupedummy

Re: Operation career change... - 12/08/2015 10:30

Thank you Begbie , gives a good insight into the reality of it. This is what i thought, i don't want a helpdesk role. Last thing i want really.
Neil's place doesn't have the capacity for me really plus i need to earn for the moment. I work there where i can but they are mainly hardware supply and support.
Computer studies is what i was looking at but unsure if that positions me any better than a specific course for in the industry/networking etc.
i can go straight onto a hnc i believe.
Posted By: bockers

Re: Operation career change... - 12/08/2015 12:18

IT industry is dying in the UK. Here all our IT work is being transferred to TCS (TATA) in India. I have probably 18 months before our dept goes. This is a common trend amongst UK companies and one of the options being "sold" to us is to re-locate to India! Not wishing to put a dampener but it is happening. Of my current team of 20 I am the only UK resident and company employee and have 2 people here on short visas the rest are in India.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Operation career change... - 12/08/2015 13:20

Is there no mileage in your gas skills/qualifications, going self-employed? There's money to be made if you have the right contracts/work.
Posted By: coupedummy

Re: Operation career change... - 12/08/2015 13:48

Im sure there is jonny but my heart is just not in it. Looking for some job/career satisfaction.

As i thought Bockers,its good to here first accounts of what's happening front line.
So where from here. Along hard think as something needs to change.
I want to enjoy or at least reap the rewards of hard work. My industry is very thankless and just seen another body. A senior role came up and which i went for and later found out i wasn't considered as i was too useful in the position i am now.
Not how the company sold itself prior to tupee, progressive and promote within.
Posted By: PeteP

Re: Operation career change... - 12/08/2015 13:56

Originally Posted By: coupedummy
A senior role came up and which i went for and later found out i wasn't considered as i was too useful in the position i am now.

Originally Posted By: bockers in the moving away from retail thread
You can try the honest/open approach, I did this. Told my company that unless I was moved out of a mind-numbingly boring role I would move and they bent over backwards to find me a better suited role. Don't forget to see this from their perspective. Hiring new staff is like acquiring new customers, it costs 10 times more than retaining and incentivising those you already have.

A pretty short-sighted directors' mind set in your present company then. I can see why you want to move on.
Posted By: magooagain

Re: Operation career change... - 12/08/2015 16:01

A self employed heating engineer earns a good living . Experience and job satisfaction comes along when things go right.
They go right when you live,breath and sleep every job/contract.

Self employment is no easy street and the weak willed soon get found out but it does bring job satisfaction mate.

You seem to be on a bit of a career merry go round every 18 months or so.
Posted By: phil_20VT

Re: Operation career change... - 12/08/2015 16:31

Originally Posted By: bockers
IT industry is dying in the UK. Here all our IT work is being transferred to TCS (TATA) in India. I have probably 18 months before our dept goes. This is a common trend amongst UK companies and one of the options being "sold" to us is to re-locate to India! Not wishing to put a dampener but it is happening. Of my current team of 20 I am the only UK resident and company employee and have 2 people here on short visas the rest are in India.

I'm seeing companies bringing their IT back to the UK. HMRC being one example, other government areas too I assume. My theory is that things like this go in cycles.

I think a lot of blagging goes on in IT. I've worked with a fair few supposed specialists that have been far from special.

Good luck with whatever you go for!
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