Fiat Coupe Club UK

Dodgy-Looking LinkedIn requests

Posted By: MeanRedSpider

Dodgy-Looking LinkedIn requests - 17/01/2012 09:17

Have had a couple of dodgy-looking Linked-In requests – Some Entertainment Sales Manager from US with only one connection and one from Angola – oil company. Neither has any common connections or is in a related industry.

Is there any sort of scam related to LI? I went through LI to view the requests as I was suspicious
Posted By: bockers

Re: Dodgy-Looking LinkedIn requests - 17/01/2012 09:20

I have had a ffew of these. I think they just want to look important and be seen to have overseas links. I just refuse them, unles they are female and look hot, although there is little chance of that in IT frown
Posted By: mattB

Re: Dodgy-Looking LinkedIn requests - 17/01/2012 09:53

I keep getting a load of these too - which is particularly odd as I haven't got a LI account. crazy
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Dodgy-Looking LinkedIn requests - 17/01/2012 10:06

I get these all the time too. I simply ignore them. Probably bored people looking to increase their connections I would imagine
Posted By: Wishy

Re: Dodgy-Looking LinkedIn requests - 17/01/2012 21:33

I got a couple of spurious ones a couple of years ago but nothing but genuine ones for a while.
Posted By: Edinburgh

Re: Dodgy-Looking LinkedIn requests - 17/01/2012 23:29

I challenged LI about this on a couple of occasions after receiving invitations from folk I knew who swore blind they had not "suggested" I join in. They protested in their reply to my chagrin that there was random unsolicited association taking place that these links were not supposed to occur unless people had pressed the appropriate buttons. I suppose the people could have been embarrassed and lied....
Anyway I've now cut any minute connections I may have ever had with the organisation and haven't been bothered since.
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