Fiat Coupe Club UK

Scottish Independence

Posted By: bezzer

Scottish Independence - 11/01/2012 09:25

Who'll be the winner in all of this?

Latest YouGov opinion poll suggested 37% of Jocks want to leave the Union.

What can we do to persuade another 14% of them to vote yes hehe
Posted By: bockers

Re: Scottish Independence - 11/01/2012 09:58

Seems to be a one man crusade so far. Can't see it being in eithers interest.
Posted By: barnacle

Re: Scottish Independence - 11/01/2012 10:56

It's all political posturing.

If 37% - who probably haven't thought it through at all - want to go, that'll probably equate to about 15% at the polls...
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Scottish Independence - 11/01/2012 10:59

Thats why they want the half way house option. Why say yes or no when you can say, "give us less rules to follow whilst we keep taking your money"
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Scottish Independence - 11/01/2012 12:02

Seems ironic that in between the usual political guff, you get the comment that 'Scotland takes more out of the economy than it puts in...'

Right, OK, seems simple enough.

Glad the EU brings in much more money than it costs us to be in then.

Oh no wait... chinny
Posted By: Azzura

Re: Scottish Independence - 11/01/2012 15:16

Fat Eck wants to call a referendum on Independence in 2014 - not because it will have the resonance of the 700th anniversary of Bannockburn , but because he needs another 2 years to complete the demolition of Scots Law and to erect the shoddy copy of English law his minions deem more appropriate in its place. Why bother with independence at all if all you want to do with it is ape those you wish to secede from?
Posted By: sugerbear

Re: Scottish Independence - 11/01/2012 16:23

Scottish independence would be terrible news for the labour party. No chance of them ever getting a majority unless the conservatives royally screw up.
Posted By: magooagain

Re: Scottish Independence - 11/01/2012 16:33

Who's up for rebuilding that bloody great wall ?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Scottish Independence - 11/01/2012 16:35

Originally Posted By: magooagain
Who's up for rebuilding that bloody great wall ?

Can you give a competitive quote Joe?

Posted By: oxfordSteve

Re: Scottish Independence - 11/01/2012 16:36

Originally Posted By: shinyshoes
Originally Posted By: magooagain
Who's up for rebuilding that bloody great wall ?

Can you give a competitive quote Joe?


The Poles would do it cheaper!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Scottish Independence - 11/01/2012 16:40

Originally Posted By: oxfordSteve
The Poles would do it cheaper!

Posted By: magooagain

Re: Scottish Independence - 11/01/2012 16:46

Originally Posted By: oxfordSteve
Originally Posted By: shinyshoes
Originally Posted By: magooagain
Who's up for rebuilding that bloody great wall ?

Can you give a competitive quote Joe?


The Poles would do it cheaper!

I would do it for nothing ! Just a free supply of Haggis and Whiskey. See ! Allways two sides to a wall !
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Scottish Independence - 11/01/2012 16:51

You'll not get any whiskey up here!!

It's all waffle, anybody with any degree of common sense knows it would never work. Just think about all the seemingly daft little stuff that's done nationally just now that would have to be recreated.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Scottish Independence - 11/01/2012 18:14

Originally Posted By: sugerbear
Scottish independence would be terrible news for the labour party. No chance of them ever getting a majority unless the conservatives royally screw up.

No chance of the Tories screwing the country up then eh?They raped our country for years!!
I dont think it would work either,I dont know enough to comment but a one man crusade,is not the right way forward. It doesnt matter who runs the country we are all in for a shafting of John Holmes proportions. frown
Posted By: Edinburgh

Re: Scottish Independence - 11/01/2012 18:23

Salmond was voted in amongst other things on the strength of a referendum on independence. If he's going to fail massively, better he does that even when held on his own terms rather than be able to push blame onto " he made me do it too soon".

For those swinging voters the idea of Westminster telling them when to breathe won't go down well. I say let him carry it out when he wants.

Also I want my christmas light bulbs to arrive from Preston in time laugh
Posted By: barnacle

Re: Scottish Independence - 11/01/2012 18:50

The big joke was hearing Milliband agreeing so nicely with Cameron. Nothing to do with 41 labour seats that would be lost vs one conservative...
Posted By: Roadking

Re: Scottish Independence - 11/01/2012 18:55

Originally Posted By: barnacle
The big joke was hearing Milliband agreeing so nicely with Cameron. Nothing to do with 41 labour seats that would be lost vs one conservative...

Hence Cameron trying to piss off the Scots "floating" voter. wink
Posted By: Brewster

Re: Scottish Independence - 11/01/2012 18:56

Salmond's racism and clamouring to get out of the Union is making Scotland look like the spoilt stepchild. No matter how many toys and sweets we give you, you still want to run away from home.

Honestly, if you hate us that much then fine, have your independence, build that wall back up, but don't come running when you can't afford your free prescriptions, free dental care, free university tuition, free care for the elderly. If you honestly think the, almost dry, North Sea wells will keep you in all that once the money stops flowing from Westminster you're in for an unpleasant shock.

I find it pretty funny that Scotsmen have such a deep rooted hatred of sassenachs when most of us can barely contain our indifference as to whether you're there or not.
Posted By: barnacle

Re: Scottish Independence - 11/01/2012 19:45

If I recall ancient history lessons correctly, wasn't the Act of Union the occasion upon which a Scots king (James) acquired the vacant crown of England?

In which case, shouldn't Westminster be suing for separation from Scotland, and not the other way around?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Scottish Independence - 11/01/2012 21:30

alex salmond is the most dangerous thing to happen to scotland in generations, he is an inward looking william wallace wannabe trying to divorce scotland from the union, i would consider selling up and moving to England if Scotland goes completely independent, the last thing i would want is to be completely divorced from the union and under the control of that absolute tube

Brewster please don't confuse Alex Salmonds ambitions with the majority of decent folk in Scotland's opinion of the English, most don't hate English folk, most non neds in Scotland have the savvy to judge an individual on what they are like not where they are from
Posted By: jimbob13

Re: Scottish Independence - 11/01/2012 21:49

Originally Posted By: doug20vt

Brewster please don't confuse Alex Salmonds ambitions with the majority of decent folk in Scotland's opinion of the English, most don't hate English folk, most non neds in Scotland have the savvy to judge an individual on what they are like not where they are from

Couldn't have said it better myself.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Scottish Independence - 11/01/2012 22:50

If Brewster wants to have that opinion let him have it.
It sums up the attitude that made Scots want to have their own Parliament in the first place,Total Indifference shown to the Scots by English polititians. Can you really blame us for having a chip(fish supper) on our shoulders?
As I said,we are in for a shafting,either by the Tories,Labour,or Snp. So lets just pucker up and take it!!!! Because thats what the British way is eh??? rolleyes
Posted By: Roadking

Re: Scottish Independence - 12/01/2012 08:01

Originally Posted By: Steamer

It sums up the attitude that made Scots want to have their own Parliament in the first place,Total Indifference shown to the Scots by English polititians. Can you really blame us for having a chip(fish supper) on our shoulders?
As I said,we are in for a shafting,either by the Tories,Labour,or Snp. So lets just pucker up and take it!!!! Because thats what the British way is eh??? rolleyes

As we're all in for the same shafting, no need for anyone to feel victimised there.

With Blair, Brown and Darling all being Scots, I feel the English may have more to feel aggrieved about Scottish politicians than the other way round!

We are a Union and should remain one, we've been a union longer than some European Countries have been countries! There are differances, which most people accept, and a good deal (though by no means all) of the anti English/Scottish sentiment is banter.

Mind if you do vote to secede, can you take your Celtic Cornish bretheren with you? smile
Posted By: Brewster

Re: Scottish Independence - 12/01/2012 10:15

Originally Posted By: Steamer
If Brewster wants to have that opinion let him have it.
It sums up the attitude that made Scots want to have their own Parliament in the first place,Total Indifference shown to the Scots by English polititians. Can you really blame us for having a chip(fish supper) on our shoulders?
As I said,we are in for a shafting,either by the Tories,Labour,or Snp. So lets just pucker up and take it!!!! Because thats what the British way is eh??? rolleyes

You think politicians show us any more reverance? You think that being shafted by Scottish politicians will be less painful? As RK has said, we've had Scotsmen at the top of British politics for years and you have far more money spent on you per capita than us sassenachs. We're just tired of the attitude that we're somehow the bad guys and that Scotland has spent the last 300 years trying to escape the clutches of the nasty English.

You don't know how good you've got it and you won't until you swap it all for your "Freeeeedoooooooom!"
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Scottish Independence - 12/01/2012 10:26

I think both sides have alot to lose from Independence. For the Scots, North Sea Oil will be major bargaining chip regardless of how much or little is under there.

For the UK, we have the £. And going independent but keeping the pound will mean that the Scots have no say in interest rates which could massively affect their economy. Changing to the Euro would again be dangerous given it's present state and create numerous difficulties for the people of Scotland in their everyday lives.

The Scots also owe the "British Taxpayer" for the bailouts of RBS, which amounts to something like 10 years worth of the entire revenue of North Sea Oil.

Obviously everyone has their starting positions in the bargaining but to hear "we want all the oil, none of the debt, and to keep the pound as is" is just unbelievable.
Posted By: jimboy

Re: Scottish Independence - 12/01/2012 10:54

Originally Posted By: Brewster
Salmond's racism and clamouring to get out of the Union is making Scotland look like the spoilt stepchild. No matter how many toys and sweets we give you, you still want to run away from home.

Honestly, if you hate us that much then fine, have your independence, build that wall back up, but don't come running when you can't afford your free prescriptions, free dental care, free university tuition, free care for the elderly. If you honestly think the, almost dry, North Sea wells will keep you in all that once the money stops flowing from Westminster you're in for an unpleasant shock.

I find it pretty funny that Scotsmen have such a deep rooted hatred of sassenachs when most of us can barely contain our indifference as to whether you're there or not.

OK I'll bite.... That is a very blinkered reaction from a young man. Bottom line, independence for Scotland is not going to happen. Let the politics play out. Salmond as said does not do us any good at all. I could go on to say, being in the Highlands, we don't get the same looking after as the central belt. Similar in England-shire, the south getting more looked after than the north. Nothing will change this, up here anyway.

Just to add, I used to travel all over England when I was a member of a young man's charity club. Best social part of my life ever, but as they say that's another story. Right that's my wee rant over.
Posted By: MeanRedSpider

Re: Scottish Independence - 12/01/2012 12:50

Few observations from an Englishman in Scotland:

1. I'm not entirely sure the SNP leaders really want independence. With it would come the loss of the SNP's unique selling point - after which I think they'd find it difficult to hold onto power.
2. Alex Salmond IS the SNP - it's a party of one charismatic individual.
3. There are far too many difficult questions to answer for Scotland to become independent.
4. The Scots don't hate the English - they hate the idea of the English.
Posted By: Mark_S

Re: Scottish Independence - 12/01/2012 12:53


Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Scottish Independence - 12/01/2012 14:47

I'm very proud to be Scottish, I can go almost anywhere on this planet and be proud to declare to anyone, that I come from Scotland.

On the few occasions that the person does not know where Scotland is, I tell them (just as proudly) that I'm British and Scotland is right next to England.

I will vote 'No' if/when asked.....
I fear though that Alex Salmond will have a massive political campaign (Freedom!!! and all that) that will sway a lot of the idiots that cannot make up their mind either way, so they will vote for 'Gibson-Blue-&-White-Face'... utter stupidity in my opinion.

Brewster - No need to assume that because some of Scotland wants 'Independance' that the Scottish hate the English. It's simply not the may get a few choice words whenever it's a sporting occasion, but no more or no less than anyone else.

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Scottish Independence - 12/01/2012 16:27

Originally Posted By: Truffle
For the UK, we have the £. And going independent but keeping the pound will mean that the Scots have no say in interest rates which could massively affect their economy. Changing to the Euro would again be dangerous given it's present state and create numerous difficulties for the people of Scotland in their everyday lives.

Why would Scotland (if it becomes idependant from Britain) need/want to adopt the Euro?

If they were smart enough to run a mile from us before we climb aboard the ever sinking ship that is the EU, surely they would not even consider it, and adopt their own unique currency.


Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Scottish Independence - 12/01/2012 17:42

I'm sure you read things differently to the rest of us shiny smile

I presented two realistic options that they have, keeping the pound but having no say in its value, or joining the Euro. I didnt say that they would WANT either. Thats the point i was making, that currency is our bargaining chip, like oil is theres.

Adopting their own currency could be catastrophic as in its infant stages it would fluctuate wildly.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Scottish Independence - 12/01/2012 17:48

Ha! I did epexct that... smile

But no, I did read it, I wasnt so much questioning your post, just questioning the notion that the Scots would even consider joining up to the Euro instead of having their own currency.
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