Fiat Coupe Club UK

RS4 - Screwgate ...or how to hate manifold flaps

Posted By: Burty

RS4 - Screwgate ...or how to hate manifold flaps - 21/02/2018 16:17

So, not only being blessed with a wonderful coop as our daily driver, I'm also lucky enough to have an RS4. However, I say lucky because although we've had it 7 years and it's been all around Europe it has now blotted its copybook by suffering V8 indigestion.
The problem manifested itself pulling way from traffic lights - we were suddenly in a V7-engined motor !
Initially, the thought was that a coil-pack had packed up but sadly no - a sparkplug gap had closed and no prizes for guessing that something hard and metallic had decided to enter that cylinder and have a little baz around.
Sent the car to Unit20 near Chester and Martin has confirmed our worse fears - a manifold flap screw had made a bid for freedom and in doing so,has not just done for the piston and head but scored the bore lining and thus totalled the engine.
The hunt is now on for a good secondhand engine in order to resurrect it from the dead - Ebay will hopefully be our salvation.
This is not the first such calamity to hit the family's fleet - my son's Alfa Romeo GT experienced the same issue but in that case the engine could be rebuilt - sadly, a year or so later some idiot pulled out of a junction and T-boned it into oblivion.
Posted By: Gunzi

Re: RS4 - Screwgate ...or how to hate manifold flaps - 25/02/2018 19:54

Wow that sounds very painful.

Which model of RS4 do you have?

Have you had any luck sourcing a replacement engine?
Posted By: knight7660

Re: RS4 - Screwgate ...or how to hate manifold flaps - 25/02/2018 20:58

My Manifolds were already deflated when i bought it thank god but i feel your pain. How the sourcing for a new engine going i know theres a blue RS4 that got rear ended being broken on the forum right now
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