Fiat Coupe Club UK

What insurance group is an LE?

Posted By: Anonymous

What insurance group is an LE? - 04/01/2007 18:10

In a nutshell – is the LE modified or standard?

I might be wrong; but from my limited (at present) knowledge & experience, it seems that the 20v turbo is group 19, but I have seen car dealers advertising the LE as group 20 in their adverts. When I went online with my present insurer, Elephant, the list of possible models included the 20VT, the 20VT plus model 1999 onwards, but no mention of the LE.
It was the same story when I tried ringing them; - only the 2 choices.

It just so happens that the LE I am buying is a 1998. Therefore it doesn’t ‘fit’ as a plus model (too old); so should I just insure it as a normal 20v turbo? The price difference for the plus model is about an extra £100.
My insurance company also said that they would give me ‘market value’ for the car if it was written off. I can therefore assume, I suppose, that I wouldn’t get back anything like what I paying for the LE if the worst were to happen!

Many thanks for the advice & guidance,

Posted By: TimC

Re: What insurance group is an LE? - 04/01/2007 18:51

check this link out...;gonew=1#UNREAD
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What insurance group is an LE? - 04/01/2007 19:26


check this link out...;gonew=1#UNREAD

Thanks Tim, I did; - but it didn't seem to offer a conclusive answer.
Posted By: TimC

Re: What insurance group is an LE? - 04/01/2007 19:53

I'd insure it as a Plus, just to be on the safe side then...

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What insurance group is an LE? - 04/01/2007 20:55


I'd insure it as a Plus, just to be on the safe side then...

Yes, that's what I thought; & I tried to!

It went something like this:

me: "call it a plus then"
Insurer: "what year is the car?"
me: "1998"
Insurer: "the plus is listed as 1999 onwards, so it can't be"

...and so it went on, round & round in circles!

Mind you, insuring it as a standard 20VT does save me £100!
Posted By: Sedicivalvole

Re: What insurance group is an LE? - 04/01/2007 20:58


Ring them up and tell them that you have a car they do not list it is same spec as plus with a few changes, usually i belive this goes under the monica of 20vt 6 speed.

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What insurance group is an LE? - 04/01/2007 22:11

Thanks Nick, I'll give that a try.
Posted By: Emjay

Re: What insurance group is an LE? - 06/01/2007 13:50

Parkers has it down as group 19 just the same as all 20vts bar the Plus.

If they don't know of the LE, you need to keep a very clear record of your discussions, log who you spoke to, when and what was said, so it is clear you gave full information and if any mistake is made as to the car type it is by the Company not any misrepresentation by you.
Posted By: Sedicivalvole

Re: What insurance group is an LE? - 06/01/2007 19:35

What Emjay is saying is completely correct, haev a look at Noel and Adrian Flux they usually offer good deals and are likely to know what an LE is.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What insurance group is an LE? - 07/01/2007 03:03

Greenlight put mine under a group 19 as far as I remember, with a pretty good package of extras. Track days £50 a go?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What insurance group is an LE? - 08/03/2007 15:00

have you tried just giving them the reg plate details and let them pull the info off the computer? for ref if you go onto the direct line website (and probably a load of others too) you can enter your reg.plate and it will automatically tell you your exact make and model.. hope this helps
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