Fiat Coupe Club UK

life kicks you in the nuts when your happy.

Posted By: Anonymous

life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 22/04/2009 22:09

got realised from hospital today with the all clear, went home to see my coupe looking very dirty and in need of some serious love.
So i turn her on, go for a drive, then realised i left a window open at home, turned back locked up and changed my course and went the less bumpy route.
then my i stuck behind a estate...
i follow for a half mile, past one set of traffic lights, then at the next GREEN light..he slammed his brakes on.
i went straight up his arse and fccuked my coupe.
now i dont know what to do with it...
i really feel like i dont want it any more.
do i repair it and sell it or re-build her?
ive spent 9months making her as i want, fast nice and nearly looking as i want it.
so now ive got back from hospital AGAIN and sitting here with massive whip lash.
what the hell shall i do?
p.s pics will follow. cry
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 22/04/2009 22:12

Now that sucks, hope it's not too bad to fix.

Leave the stereo alone in the future!

Sleep on it and have a think tomorrow, all might be clearer.

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 22/04/2009 22:13

was thinking the same, have a sleep and regroup in the morning.
Hopefully will have a clearer idea then but it does suck
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 22/04/2009 22:21

have a brew see how you feel in morning and ring joe (country cruising) for the bits or prices and get stuck in over summer
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 22/04/2009 22:23

Have a couple of large stiff drinks, then try to get some sleep, then wake up tomorrow and begin saying fccuk fccuk fccuk fccuk fccuk all over again. Then have a think about it
Posted By: samsite999

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 22/04/2009 22:27

come back to it tomorrow mate

im gutted for you....honestly, gutted isnt the word. give me a call tomorrow mate if you want a talk over it
Posted By: evo_number_one

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 22/04/2009 22:38

Sorry to hear this frown
Posted By: samsite999

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 22/04/2009 22:48

how bad is the damage mate?

more to the point, was it a bit of a shed in front? i have herd of a few scams when people jam there breaks on on green light to get compo money and a nice car

i bet they were off in the a+e before you could get out of the car

that may not be the case, but i am a sinic at heart
Posted By: Theresa

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 22/04/2009 23:17

Sorry to read this Marco frown
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 22/04/2009 23:24

Oh God, that's terrible. Sorry to hear that frown
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 23/04/2009 00:02

to make matters worsst the guy is a part of the farms unuion..and he is insured with them also.

thanks for the comments!
Sam, i may call you tomorrow depending on how i feel, not really wanted to talk to any one today.

the guy i hit was about mid 80's, serious he took so long getting out of the car i was thinking he had snuffed it!!
i will uploasd pics in the morning, cant be bothered to find my phone cable atm.

there was NO damage to his car besides a 5/6inch scuff mark on the bumper where the coupe slotted UNDER his car and lifted him up.
to make matters worst, after a week in a hospital bed i cant even enjoy a nights sleep in my own.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 23/04/2009 00:05

p.s thanks MattM wink
Posted By: darmtb

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 23/04/2009 00:07

Really sorry to hear about this, Marco cry
Posted By: Mark_S

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 23/04/2009 06:19

Grim story and bad luck frown

What is wrong with the farmer's union ?
Did he admit liability ?

Chin up !
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 23/04/2009 07:08

Hi Marco,

Really sorry to hear the news, chin up matey. One thing did you call the plod as this guy is 80 he would have to have his license renewed From the age of 70. Motorists are required to complete a form every three years on which they should declare medical conditions. No independent check is made on their fitness to drive and the system relies on the driver’s honesty.

I'm not ageist, 51 myself, it's just my late father in law was still driving in his late seventies, he had cataracts, wouldn't contemplate giving up his license in the end Gina and I told the DVLA they took his license away.

Just a thought matey.


John smile smile
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 23/04/2009 07:37

really sorry to here of your bad luck,i hope you can fix the coupe.
Posted By: GraemeC

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 23/04/2009 09:22

Sorry to hear Marco, really bad luck
Posted By: AlistairM

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 23/04/2009 10:20

Maybe if he's driving without a licence then you don't want to find out. If he is then he'll be uninsured and you'll get no money of him... If it's proven to be his fault confused
Posted By: samsite999

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 23/04/2009 10:32

running in to the back of some one is never easy to sort out, even if they braked with out warning and for no good reason. Annoyingly the blame almost always lands with the person that did the shunting

my soon to be brother in law had the exact same thing happen to him, a woman slammed on the breaks for no good reason and he sailed on in to the back of her.
He did his level best to dispute it but it got him nowere

not trying to put a downer of a already crappy day, just propearing you for the worsted

When he got out of the car? what did he have to say for him self? do you have any witnesses? you never know, the old boy could be a bit of a jent and put his hand up and say it was his fault
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 23/04/2009 10:33

Take him to small claims in that case, easy enough to do can even start the proceedings on line.

John smile smile
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 23/04/2009 11:32

the old git is not a gent but a first class snob.
he instantly looked down at me which made me want to floor an old man...
he made some crappy comments i told him to shut his mouth before i removed his jaw.

the conversation got a bit heated as the first thing he said to me was it was a RED light...
i disagreed, we argued straight away, he never gave me a real chance to ask him any thing he just went on an old peoples rant.

also ive spoken to a mate regarding the farms union and there a weird bunch from what he made out, they report every thing and back each other up finacialy.
its hard to win with them.
ive got no whitness's and no proof the light was green.
Just my word against his.
a young bloke in a fast car vs a old Farmer who is part of a union.

ive taken the loss and said screw it, im fully comp..i still got his address wink
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 23/04/2009 11:34

i think the general concensus of opinion is, if you drive into the back of someone then without hugely mitigating circumstances you're going to be blamed - ie driving too close to be able to stop in time. that's what i was told when i did it 5 years ago....

sorry to hear about this marco, but keep yer chin up and get it repaired
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 23/04/2009 11:36

yer, im going to start stripping it today, just a bit stiff at the moment.
whip lash hurts...
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 23/04/2009 11:43

Still worth sticking it to the old fecker about checking his license you never know, especially if he behaved so badly, okay so you bumped no excuse for that sort of abuse, but sometimes Marco best to let it go.

Good luck with the repair.


John frown
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 23/04/2009 11:52

yer im just going to take one in the arse and let it go...

work starts today.
also i think its time to take her off the road ans start a restoration project.

Ar some good that has come from this.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 23/04/2009 15:26

very sorry to hear frown frown
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 23/04/2009 15:53

Sorry to hear Marco.

If he starts playing funny buggers with regards to saying the light was red then say you were both stopped and he reversed into you.

If there are no witnesses it will be his word against yours, and the claim should go 50/50

Which is better than it being found to be your fault.

It will depend on how fast you hit him though.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 23/04/2009 18:00

well i was going 30mph and a very late reaction time. So i would say 20mph min. Bloody hurts.
Like i said im going to stick it to the old guy.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 23/04/2009 18:20

Have you got any mates who could be witnesses?

nudge, nudge, wink wink
Posted By: benje

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 23/04/2009 18:24

Originally Posted By: symonh2000
Sorry to hear Marco.

If he starts playing funny buggers with regards to saying the light was red then say you were both stopped and he reversed into you.

If there are no witnesses it will be his word against yours, and the claim should go 50/50

Which is better than it being found to be your fault.

It will depend on how fast you hit him though.

Originally Posted By: phatphiat
Have you got any mates who could be witnesses?

nudge, nudge, wink wink

I'm actually quite suprised people are suggesting insurance fraud?! confused
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 23/04/2009 18:31

Originally Posted By: benje
Originally Posted By: symonh2000
Sorry to hear Marco.

If he starts playing funny buggers with regards to saying the light was red then say you were both stopped and he reversed into you.

If there are no witnesses it will be his word against yours, and the claim should go 50/50

Which is better than it being found to be your fault.

It will depend on how fast you hit him though.

Originally Posted By: phatphiat
Have you got any mates who could be witnesses?

nudge, nudge, wink wink

I'm actually quite suprised people are suggesting insurance fraud?! confused

It isn't really.

It is the old fella that is commiting the insurance Fraud by telling lies about the lights in the first place.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 23/04/2009 21:18

no no, i dont do any thing like that. Fraud is not my deal! Thanks for the idea tho!
Posted By: Tommy_Coop23

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 24/04/2009 13:18

Well, in that case mate, unfortunately you probably wont stand a chance as you hit the back of him, im not sure his age will make a difference as old people are notorious for being scensoredte/careless drivers and a danger on the roads. The fact you're young in a fast car will go against you however, as they will probably view it that you were tailgating him as he was driving so slow or something....? You should have smacked that old codger and nicked his werthers originals, stupid fccuker frown frown hope you get her repaired to a good standard mate.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 24/04/2009 14:10

back on topic, yeah life sucks sometimes

i've been in a good place for some time, about to embark on a great weekend - then the coop stops dead this morning with some flapping sounds from the engine bay - not a good sign. last seen on the tow bar of an aa truck headed for motormech

bye bye great weekend.... frown
Posted By: samsite999

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 24/04/2009 14:16

you failed to mention the pidgin you hit this morning.....hence the flapping sounds!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: life kicks you in the nuts when your happy. - 24/04/2009 14:32

Originally Posted By: samsite999
you failed to mention the pidgin you hit this morning.....hence the flapping sounds!

nah - the pidgeon was shot out the side of the wheel arch sam. and i have an undertray, i doubt very much it's the birds' fault...

and my second comment on fb mentions.................a pidgeon lol laugh
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