Fiat Coupe Club UK

Just waved goodbye to my Coupe

Posted By: Lucifer

Just waved goodbye to my Coupe - 14/10/2014 08:45

I am now once again Coupe-less, having watched my 4th Coupe leave home last night. I bought a new car and intended to also keep the Coupe, but it became quickly apparent that I was really going to struggle for space on the drive, and the missus was getting slightly annoyed at her car being left down on the road at night laugh

I really enjoyed my time with this car, spent a lot of money on it during the 14 months I owned it bringing it (certainly mechanically) up to a very high standard, and I've passed it on to a guy who seems like he's going to be a very keen and enthusiastic owner which is good.

I'm still intending to remain a part of the club and active on the forum, not that I really post much these days, and I'm definitely not ruling out the possibility of getting another Coupe one day should I end up with enough space to keep it, but in reality I think this is probably the end of an era for me.

Four Coupes over the past 10+ years, feels quite sad to be saying goodbye.. but who knows what may happen in the future wink

Posted By: barnacle

Re: Just waved goodbye to my Coupe - 14/10/2014 11:27

And on your four thousandth post, too...

You'll be back. We'll keep your chips warm.
Posted By: Lucifer

Re: Just waved goodbye to my Coupe - 14/10/2014 14:46

Originally Posted By: barnacle
And on your four thousandth post, too...

You'll be back. We'll keep your chips warm.

Yes funny that, I also noticed it was my 4,000th!

I do actually have some space to extend the drive, so it's possible I may get no.5 one day. Just make sure there's some chili sauce to go with those chips yum
Posted By: Theresa

Re: Just waved goodbye to my Coupe - 14/10/2014 23:56

Shame to see you're now Coupeless, but glad you'll still consider one again in the future and glad you'll be staying around on here too smile
Posted By: alexjames

Re: Just waved goodbye to my Coupe - 15/10/2014 11:22

I'm probably going to do the same with my plus which is my 3rd. I just don't have the space and I hardly drive her as it is!. I know I'd be back in a coop again... but I'd always stick around on here.
Posted By: Trappy

Re: Just waved goodbye to my Coupe - 15/10/2014 12:15

Originally Posted By: Lucifer

I do actually have some space to extend the drive, so it's possible I may get no.5 one day.

Haha, that would show true dedication - modifying the house for the car! thumb
Posted By: Nigel

Re: Just waved goodbye to my Coupe - 15/10/2014 16:24

Originally Posted By: Trappy
Haha, that would show true dedication - modifying the house for the car! thumb

Not at all....

After my youngest son moved out (and took his Mk1 Golf with him), I ended up getting my carport back. I decided that after a year of being parked outside under a tree, my Coupe deserved better, so I converted the carport into a man-cave, with panelled walls, 2/3 - 1/3 split garage door, a 6ft radiator, low-impact foam flooring, Halfords Professional socket set and shiny black Halfords Industrial tool chests, workbench, electrics, big cupboard for all the car cleaning stuff etc etc

Coupe is much more comfortable now, although the cats have commandeered it as a convenient perch, so a Halfords deluxe car covered followed very soon afterwards...

Wifey was less than impressed that I spent more money on keeping the car warm and cosy than I've spent on the rest of the house in the last few years....
Posted By: Edinburgh

Re: Just waved goodbye to my Coupe - 15/10/2014 17:35

Originally Posted By: Nigel
Originally Posted By: Trappy
Haha, that would show true dedication - modifying the house for the car! thumb

Not at all....

After my youngest son moved out (and took his Mk1 Golf with him), I ended up getting my carport back. I decided that after a year of being parked outside under a tree, my Coupe deserved better, so I converted the carport into a man-cave, with panelled walls, 2/3 - 1/3 split garage door, a 6ft radiator, low-impact foam flooring, Halfords Professional socket set and shiny black Halfords Industrial tool chests, workbench, electrics, big cupboard for all the car cleaning stuff etc etc

Coupe is much more comfortable now, although the cats have commandeered it as a convenient perch, so a Halfords deluxe car covered followed very soon afterwards...

Wifey was less than impressed that I spent more money on keeping the car warm and cosy than I've spent on the rest of the house in the last few years....

Now where have I heard that sort of language before...... laugh
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Just waved goodbye to my Coupe - 15/10/2014 21:00

with my birthday coming up, i pleaded poverty and she has now offered to buy my car tax ! Bit more pleading and i might get the insurance thrown in too....i can hope .
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